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Comment nous faisons de l’ASP.NET MVC

Sample MVC Solution

In this post I will show a sample ASP.NET MVC 2.0 project structure illustrating different concepts such as data access, user input validation and mapping between the domain and the view model. The project is still under construction but the source code is available at github.

I will illustrate the usage of the following frameworks:

  • MvcContrib bringing useful extension methods and strongly typed helpers to ASP.NET MVC
  • AutoMapper enabling easy mapping between the domain and the view models
  • FluentValidation – a small validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules for your business objects
  • NHibernate – a popular ORM in the .NET world
  • FluentNHibernate – a statically compiled alternative to NHibernate’s standard hbm xml mapping
  • Spring.NET – object container and dependency Injection framework for .NET
  • Rhino.Mocks – A dynamic mock object framework for the .Net platform. It’s purpose is to ease testing by allowing the developer to create mock implementations of custom objects and verify the interactions using unit testing


Armed with this arsenal of frameworks let’s start exploring the solution structure. I’ve opted for 2 projects solution but in many real world applications more levels of abstraction could be brought to the business layer. Personally I favor to have less big assemblies rather than many small assemblies into the solution. Fewer the assemblies, faster the load time and faster the IDE. In this case particular attention should be brought to bring proper separation of concerns inside the same assembly


ASP.Net MVC project structure
















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