Daily Archives: 11 May 2014

1 post

Creating multilingual websites in WordPress

The purpose of this post is to show a tutorial about creating a multilingual website in WordPress using the multisite feature.

Advantages of the proposed solution :

  • Lots of flexibility for content translation and presentation of the articles in different languages
  • Different themes based on country
  • Search Engine Optimization

Step 1 : Creating multisite WordPress

Add the following line in wp-config.php.

define ('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

This will activate a new option in the Dashboard: Tools -> Network Setup.

All that’s left is to follow the instructions.

Choose the default folder options in order to have urls of the following pattern www.monsite.com/fr/mapage.html

2 actions are necessary :

  • Copy/Paste some code inside wp-config.php
  • Copy/Paste some code inside .htaccess

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